• If you have not been notified of a sale during the exhibition you must collect your unsold work from BanksideGallery on Sunday 28 September, 6 – 8pm, or Monday 29 September 11am – 5pm. Please bring photo ID so we release the artwork to the right person. Remember to bring packaging with you to re-wrap your work!



  • Please see the information regarding Picture Post’s service under ‘Delivery of Works’ above.
  • Bankside Gallery is unable to pack and send work back to the artist.


Uncollected Prints

  • Artworks left at the Gallery after 5pm on Monday 29 September will be removed by Art Moves of Chelsea. You should contact them on 020 7352 7492 to make an appointment to collect your work, but you will have to pay their storage fee of £20 per work, for the first week (part or whole) before the work is released from Art Moves of Chelsea, Nationwide Self Storage, Blantyre Street, Chelsea, London SW10 0EQ. The cost increases by £5 per week. Work not collected within one month from Art Moves will be disposed of.


  • If you are unable to come to Bankside Gallery yourself, you may send a representative or engage a professional art courier. They should bring a signed letter from you authorising us to release your artworks.  All artworks will be available to collect unwrapped, so you or your representative are advised to bring any packing material required.