Leonie Bradley RE

Elected ARE 2022

Promoted to RE 2024


Leonie’s work explores themes of memory and loss: currently, she is concerned with the loss of identity and privacy in the post-digital age. During her year-long Peter Reddick Bursary for Innovation in Relief Printmaking at Spike, she spent the time experimenting with pushing the traditional medium of wood engraving, which culminated in her solo exhibition, Analogue Interference. Much of the work is removed from context: at once embracing the intricacy of wood engraving and creating the potential for much larger images, using a tonal range to make systems-based visual narratives. She digitally disrupts her mark-making and her experiments in process have led to screenprints, photopolymer gravure and large-scale relief prints that explore the crossover from analogue to digital and back to analogue. These prints have a minimalist aesthetic disconnected from their original identity. Collaboration is a significant part of Leonie’s practice and she has collaborated with scientists, musicians and artists. She enjoys the challenges that collaboration presents and also testing the parameters of a brief to create unexpected outcomes.