June 2023


We are so pleased to announce that RE member Hilary Paynter has received an MBE for services to the Arts.


The honour recognises Hilary’s exceptional career as a distinguished practitioner of wood engraving and her role in supporting and promoting this printmaking medium.


She has been an integral part of the Society of Wood Engravers for over forty years. Firstly, she helped to re-convene the SWE, then was Secretary followed by Chair and since 1984 has been their Exhibitions Secretary. Through Hilary’s work in this role, the SWE has toured its Annual Exhibition to the furthest reaches of the UK and beyond. 


Hilary also played a key role in helping the Wood Engravers’ Network establish in the USA and supporting letters from WEN members will be entering the V&A collection to enable researchers and scholars of Hilary’s work, and of the medium in general, to understand the full extent of her contribution. 


Hilary has been a member of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers since 1985, and was RE President for 5 years between 2006-2011.

Before that she was RE Honorary Secretary for 9 years during David Carpanini's and Anita Klein's presidencies.


Congratulations Hilary on this very well-deserved recognition of all your hard work on behalf of the RE, the Society of Wood Engravers and printmaking as a whole over the years.



Read an interview with Hilary Paynter from 2020 on the Bankside Gallery blog